By Anonymous
When I see you smile,
I forget we aren’t stars.
For a moment,
we sit in a bed of cosmos,
holding each other
in a radiant brilliance
of alabaster hues.
I forget we aren’t celestial bodies,
cursed to float adrift
in a longing for each other
that spins us together for eons,
always bathing each other
in a deep radiance of warmth
that would set ablaze
even the coldest heart.
I forget that grabbing your hand
would split the universe itself asunder,
the quasar of love
would outshine the ethereal planes’
brightest bodies,
a uniquely shining moment of bliss
never before seen
by the macrocosm
holding us in a stillness unknown.
I live and die in a moment,
reborn anew
in the luminescence
of that bewitching smile.
The beautiful joy radiating from you,
melting the pain of my past
and dredging me
from my own pitiful sorrows.
Descriptions of love,
not told in truth by Shakespeare,
unknown by Dickinson or Poe,
held as secret from every soul,
could not compare.
A feeling, impossible to write,
for the words
they themselves don’t understand.
When I see you smile,
I see infinity in a moment.
I see you, perfect.
I love you.