When time moves slow, sleeping between Every thought, as viscous and adhesive As pine pitch, I know that my Subconscious is preparing a Sacrifice - a pyre to inflame The panoply of ancestors Residing between each synapse In my soul. A full belly. A Shrouded sight. A squint In the skin. All evidence of homecoming. But who will recognize the hero Troubled by visions of the future, One-eyed tired-resisas with a New texture, sunken senses left Right in the flood? Who will see the Contrast in the indifference? Who will know me when my one flaw Is unpredictable? I will Be a traveler, unwilling- ly pushed from plow and predestined To offend you. My metamor- phosis intransient, but that’s All immaterial anyway. When I leave you, have the mercy To light one final flame. Tell Argos I’ve never left. And give Me one last fight before I Surrender to my broken Spine.
Posted inPoetry
To Cupid and His Sisters by Aimee LaFon