Listen- to the relentless pour of tears. I wonder how the clouds feel as
My murky red body melts Shifting stones beneath me.
In showers of forgiveness. I cannot forgive-
We forge a pact between blue and green But orange tears a cave in beyond these
Mists that fog my womb.
You who believe- I yield to this- Give way to the serpent-tongue boughs-
Consider my gifts. I am the lover Of blindness. The visions of what
You lost when you forgot to love Yourself. I am waiting-
Acceptance is a garden, A corpse with dwindling color
Paired so perfectly, but forgetful. In secondary schemes of sentience,
The labor pangs that brought you here- Run deeper than the blood in these vales,
But they
Never fruited.
I cannot erase myself. You must do that for me.
Only then will I see that – mud- Is your penance to me.