Folklore in Love!

red and orange roses in clear glass vase
Photo by monicore on

Remember picking off flower petals and reciting, “He loves me. He loves me not”. Or have you ever stood and hoped (or hoped not) to catch a bridal bouquet? With the month of February being upon us, I thought how appropriate to share with you some love folklore and old wives tales in honor of Valentine’s Day 2024! Here is some wedding folklore: 

If a dog lies with his head in his master’s doorway, it is a sign that a new member is going to be added to the household. If a butterfly comes into the house, someone will come into the family. If it rains on the wedding day, the groom will die first. If it snows on a bride, she will be a widow. A bride must not see herself full length in a mirror on her wedding day, dressed in her wedding garments. If she does this she will die within two years. When a couple is kneeling on pillows in church during the marriage ceremony, the one whose candle burns lowest will be the first to die. The first to leave the altar (bride or groom) is the first to die. After the marriage ceremony, the first one of the couple to sit down will be the first to die. It is bad luck to the bride for the wedding party to meet a funeral procession. To dream of a marriage is a sign of a funeral. Shew-wee. Can you imagine tryin’ to do all these lore’s, even remembering them? 

Lawd, today, we be locked up for being “not right in the head”. Now, if’n all that isn’t enough about love, let me tell you about Appalachian Dumb Suppers! The purpose of a dumb supper is for a young, unmarried woman to see the ‘spirit’ of the man that she is going to marry. The meal is prepared in complete silence~no talking (dumb) whatsoever. Most people believed that you had to walk backwards while cooking and serving the dumb supper. When the dinner is done, an extra place is set at the table and the young girl (or girls if done in a group), open all the windows and doors and take their place at the table and bow their head. Sometimes all the lights are blown out, as well. The ‘phantom’ husbands are supposed to enter in silence. Each girl should be able to recognize the ‘husband’ that sits down beside her. If no one appears, it means that she will never marry. 

If only a dark blob appears, it means she will die within the year. There are quite a few versions of this ‘supper’. Some involve making the dinner using thimblefuls for ingredients instead of spoons and cups. In some versions, they see the ‘reflection’ of their husband’s face in their empty plates. 

The things we do for love! I’d like to thank Tipper of Blind Pig and the Acorn for the info posted on their webpage about Blind Suppers from which I got this information. Three times throw oaken ashes in the air. Three times sit still in an old arm chair ; Three times three ties a true-love’s knot, And say he will or he will not. Happy Saint Valentine’s Day!

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